Our traditional Christmas.

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Spending time with family in this festive month, eating the world and the drinking your body weight in Prossecco creates a memories which will be cherished forever. Christmas is a time for traditions, new and old. Here are just a few festive traditions in the Ramsell household.

Christmas Eve.
Christmas Eve always starts with a lie in. When i do arise its a cleaning day, getting ready for the excitement for tomorrow. Writing myself a little to do list to get all the boring things out of my way so i can get ready for the festive fun to commence!

Day Time.
Cleaning, cleaning and films. Preparing myself for the chaos of Christmas, i will probably have a little pamper, starting with a face mask and finishing with painting my toes. There's nothing like a Christmas pamper to create excitement for Christmas!

Mum and i have a cute little tradition where we buy each other Pajamas to wear for Christmas eve! After giving each other pajamas, we snuggle down, watch films and drink baileys until bed time.

Christmas Day

Getting up around 7 O'clock we excitedly take the presents down stairs to give to one ans other. With the television playin in the background, we talk and laugh as eaach present is unwrapped. As we don't have any little ones, our Christmas is quiet and one by one we all go to work. This year however, my dad is the only one working. So its a mum and Em filled Christmas day.

Day time.
Through out the day we talk and cook. Until the Queens speech comes up and we sit and listen to a beautifully spoken round up of the year. I like many other Brits, love the Royal family, seeing the Queen makes me so happy.

After the speech Quality Street gets opened and we watch what ever Disney film is on TV. Last year i believe it was Dumbo and i cried through out it. Once the film has ended we tend to sit down for our late dinner around 6 O'clock in the evening. Not tending to go mad on Christmas day we save our favorites till our very special Boxing Day dinner.

Christmas Day night is the time for Christmas Specials, Royale Family, Strictly and even the soaps. Nothing says Christmas TV than Celebs, dancing to a Shaking Stevens Classic, whilst bobbing along at home!

After having a little tipple, i totter of to bed in my newly bought Christmas Pajamas and hope i don't have a hang over for Boxing Day.

Boxing Day

Dinner and Day.
As i said previously, with Dad working Christmas every year (he's a Chef) we have our big 'Christmas Dinner' on Boxing Day. Our Boxing Day revolves around food and whats on the TV. Harry Potter is an obvious must. Last year I bought our first family board game, Trvial Pursuit, we sucked. Grandad had no idea who or what anything was, mum and i were so out of our depth and Dad sat laughing at the Chaos that was decending. Isn't that what Christmas is for.

With our family much preferring desserts we don't tend to have a starter and just go straight to the dinner with all the trimmings. After we have a little break, then delve into the delicous-ness of cake. Its always a cake, this year we are having a White Chocolate and Rasberries from Sainsburys £15, I think.

Night time,
Pub time, time for a bottle of wine, shots and queues. Doesn't everyone go to the pub at Christmas?

If I don't go to the Pub, i curl up with Prossecco, and watch the nations Grandad, David Attenbrough with my Dad,

Hope you liked my little Christmas run through.
Em x


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